Two black bags sit perched on a low bench next to my bed for the night. They’ll be my only possessions for the foreseeable future. I’m restless and alternating between imagining fantastic adventures and worst case scenarios. Tomorrow I’m setting out on a one-way ticket journey.

Six months ago I decided to set a plan into motion that I had been dreaming about for years. When bucket lists became a thing, the top two items on mine were to travel Europe and to live abroad. Barely a stamp on my passport, I applied to jobs all across Europe and took the first one that gave me a visa. I spent a year andantes half working and living in Europe before finally returning to California. But that taste of travel worked its way deep into my soul and the whisper of an idea began to take shape in my head. Somehow, I was going to follow in the footsteps of those great adventures before me and find a way to travel without limits.
I was looking for a way to untether from the day to day office grind, to escape my glass box existence. With both effort and luck, I managed to set up a digital agency and secure remote clients. I can finally not only travel the world, but build a business and make money while I do. I pared my belongings down to the essentials, packed them all up, and after a nightmare move I got them into storage in LA. A man without a home, and everywhere to wander.
So here I sit, anxious and excited for Day 1 and Country 1 on a journey with no end date. I’m sure I’ll shed half of my gear and pick up new things. I’ll meet interesting people and experience things that will stay with me long after the wheels have lifted off and I’m on my way to somewhere new. With some convincing from trusted people around me, I have a reinvigorated passion for sharing my experiences in many forms, including pieces like this one, and will be reviving my currently dormant travel show Parallels to share with all who are curious along the way.
First stop, Mexico.